The Maine Credit Union League Convention, now known as Elevate, provides exhibitors with exclusive opportunities to be in front of credit union professionals and, more importantly, decision makers in an effort to gain a competitive edge in your service market.
We are certain that your investment will prove beneficial to the success of your company and create increased new and expanded business opportunities.
*New this year, we are excited to announce the opportunity for vendor breakout session slots. There will only be three slots available. The form with additional details and submission guidelines can be found underneath the forms tab.*
EXHIBIT HOURS: Thursday, May 15 8:30 am - Friday, May 16, 1:30 pm
Thursday, May 15 exhibit hours: 8:30 am - 5:15 pm
Friday, May 16 exhibit hours: 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
LOCATION: Casco Bay Room, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, Maine
The booth registration fee includes:
A 10' x 8' draped booth
Clothed and skirted table and two chairs
Continental breakfast, lunch and networking reception in the exhibit hall
Maine Credit Union League Convention Book containing credit union contact information
BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS: All exhibit booths will be located in the Casco Bay Room and will be allocated first to convention sponsors and then on a first-come, first-served basis. Final booth location is at the sole discretion of the League.
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION: Complete the information on the registration page. Each registrant will receive convention materials and badges at the exhibit booth as early as May 14 (setup date). Badges will be used to gain entrance to the exhibit hall. Payment for booth space must be received by March 21, 2025. Please note: Booth space may fill up before the registration deadline.
BOOTH SET UP: Exhibitors must set up booths from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 14, 2025. No exhibitors will be allowed to set up on opening day, Thursday, May 15. Exhibitors who have not set up by Wednesday, May 14 at 5:00 p.m. will waive their booth and forfeit their exhibit fee.
BOOTH BREAKDOWN: Breakdown must not begin prior to the close of the exhibit hall at 1:30 p.m. on May 16, 2025. The booth and all materials must be cleared by 7:00 p.m. May 16. All UPS or FedEx pickups must be made no later than Monday, May 19. A designated area for storage will be available. You must supply and attach shipping labels.
SHIPPING: If shipping booth material directly to the hotel, it must not arrive prior to Monday, May 12, 2025. Important: Please clearly mark all boxes shipped “MCUL Convention.” Please include your company name on the package.
Ship booth materials to: Holiday Inn by the Bay ATTN: MCUL Convention, 88 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04101
No registration refund will be given after March 21, 2025. The cancellation fee (prior to March 21) is $200.
The Maine Credit Union League Convention Book is distributed in print and electronic formats to all Maine credit unions, convention exhibitors, and vendors who place ads. The Convention Book contains the addresses and contact information for all Maine credit unions and is a widely used reference tool throughout the year for credit union staff and business representatives. We hope you will consider placing an ad this year. Exhibiting is not required to place an ad in the Convention Book. The form to submit an ad is under the ‘forms’ section of the event website.
Please make checks payable to Synergent and send to: Synergent Member Services P.O. Box 1236 Portland, ME 04104
Please note: Credit card payments are not available.
If you are registering for a booth and for an ad in the Convention book, the total can be combined on the check.