Shari Storm Breakout Session - Oxford/Somerset Room
Date & Time
Friday, May 17, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Shari Storm Presents: Kids These Days; Capturing the Hearts, Minds, and Wallets of Young Members
Every financial institution wants to be there when a young person is ready to open their first credit card or get their first car loan. Consumers in the early stages of adulthood can be extremely profitable and presumably result in many more years of relational banking. Early affinity to a brand can lead to a lifelong relationship.
Consumers under the age of 25 present a host of opportunities for banks and credit unions, both now and well into the future. Is your financial institution doing enough to capture this critical market segment? Learn 10 things you can start doing tomorrow to ensure you don't miss out on a vital strategic initiative.