Full Name
Yellow Light Breen
Job Title
President & CEO
Maine Development Foundation
Speaker Bio
Yellow’s passion is promoting economic and educational opportunity for all Mainers regardless of geography or background. He became CEO of the Maine Development Foundation in August 2015, where he develops strategic direction, integration, and partnerships across MDF’s mission and programs. The Maine Development Foundation (MDF) is a legislatively-created, non-partisan public-private partnership that drives sustainable, long-term economic growth for Maine. MDF does this through trusted research, leadership, and creative cross-sector partnerships. Yellow has a diverse background in business, public policy, and law. He spent twelve years as an executive with Bangor Savings Bank, overseeing strategic planning, marketing, online banking, community development, and charitable activities. Prior, he was a senior official at the Maine Department of Education and an advisor to Independent Governor Angus King. Yellow was born and raised in rural, central Maine, a product of Maine public schools, and earned undergraduate and law degrees from Harvard University. He has been an active volunteer in many education and economic development efforts, including the boards of the Maine Community Foundation and Educate Maine. He previously chaired Realize Maine, an ongoing initiative to attract, retain, and support young professionals.
Yellow Light Breen